Meritorious Service Medal (M.S.M.)
The Meritorious Service Medal (military division) recognizes a military deed or activity that has been performed in a highly professional manner or of a very high standard that brings benefit or honour to the Canadian Forces.
Awarded on: June 19, 2014
Invested on: June 26, 2015
Sergeant Bradley Douglas Hiscock
On October 27, 2011, Sergeant Hiscock and Captain Vey were respectively the flight engineer and the first officer onboard Rescue 915, a Cormorant helicopter, when they were tasked to rescue two hunters stranded in the Arctic waters near Igloolik, Nunavut. Facing high winds and rough seas, Sergeant Hiscock skilfully operated the hoist, while Captain Vey used his expert flying skills to recover the two hunters, as well as three search and rescue technicians who had previously parachuted in to assist them. Through their commendable efforts and actions, Sergeant Hiscock and Captain Vey contributed to the mission success, and brought great credit to the Canadian Armed Forces.
The Cormorant Trophy was commissioned by AgustaWestland as a trophy to be presented annually to a Canadian civilian, government or military helicopter crew performing the most demanding helicopter rescue of the year.
When the rescue was launched, the crew was faced with flying the through “a full-on winter blizzard” with 40 cm of snow accumulating and wind gusts up to 75 kph. While flying in extremely low visibility through rugged terrain, navigating many islands and a narrow inlet, the aircraft was pounded from the rear by 80 kph winds and severe turbulence off 100-metre hills.
With two miles to go to the rescue location, the crew performed an impromptu “out of the box” maneuver turning the helicopter 180 degrees and flying backwards to gain stability. The other crew members scrambled to different positions and duties – pilot flying and on the map, Sgt Hiscock in the rescue door, MWO Warden in the left spotter window and MCpl Vokey at the tail – all spotting and guiding to the hunters’ last known position. Once spotting the hunters’ lights and flares, Sgt Hiscock lowered the SAR Tech to start the rescue. The three hunters were hoisted aboard suffering hypothermia and were taken to hospital.
The Prince Philip Helicopter Rescue Award
The Prince Philip Helicopter Rescue Award is presented annually by the Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators based in London, U.K., to an individual or crew of a helicopter or helicopters for an act of outstanding courage or devotion to duty in the course of land or sea search and rescue operations.
Sgt Hiscock and the crew were recognized by this award for the efforts above in the Cormorant Trophy.